Coleman Farm
The Coleman Farm is located in the Northeast Quadrant of the intersection of 3500 North and 2700 East, Twin Falls, which is approximately one mile south and 1.5 miles west of the Washington Street and Highway 74 water tanks.
Assessment records indicate that there are a total of approximately 83.93 acres within this farm. There are approximately 75.5 irrigated acres of which 65.5 are more or less are pivot irrigated a small triangle is irrigated with a hand line and 9.81 acres are gravity irrigated by gated pipe. The tenant owns the 5 navigators used with the gated pipe. The property includes a 5-tower Zimmatic pivot sprinkler system. Irrigation water is provided by the Twin Falls Canal Company and there are 83.21 shares of capital stock appurtenant. The irrigation water is delivered from a headgate to the pumping pond located in the southwest corner of the farm and then is pressurized by a 20 hp motor and pump.
Acres: 893.93
Price: $800,000